Shunde registered trademark preferred Zechuang 13590510139
Shunde registered trademark preferred Zechuang 13590510139
Details The company's business scope is as follows 1. Trademark agency Acting as an agent for domestic and foreign trademark inquiries, registrations, renewals, changes, transfers, licenses, reissuance of registration certificates and other trademark matters Acting as a domestic agent Foreign trademark opposition, trademark infringement litigation and non-litigation agency affairs Acting for famous and well-known trademark planning and other intellectual property agency affairs. 2. Copyright agency Agent for copyright registration and filing 3. Patent consultation Patent application consultation, writing patent specifications and other patent services. 4. Enterprise Registration Agent , Registering a Chinese company (limited to Foshan and Zhongshan areas), registering a Shunde company, registering a foreign investment company, registering a foreign business representative office, registering a foreign branch, registering an import and export foreign trade company , registered consulting service company, etc. , register overseas companies, register Hong Kong companies, etc. 5. Product barcode application, product certification consulting services , product barcode application (change, renewal, cancellation) , agency domestic and foreign certification consulting services (product certification and consulting, system certification and Consulting, etc.) 6. Accounting consulting, accounting service business Provide accounting consulting and agency accounting (agency tax filing) services, and tax agency. 7. Agent for company registration in Shunde District Contact number: Miss He Address: Office, Yijun Xianting Building, No. Nanguo Middle Road, Daliang, Shunde District, Foshan City (next to Daliang Passenger Terminal) A total of0articles Related Comments: |